Attention deficit, or another attempt by ex-deputy Denis Shershnev to remind himself

Attention deficit, or another attempt by ex-deputy Denis Shershnev to remind himself

When you fly out of the warm chair of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region, you begin to feel sad for no reason. I was sad for a couple of days, then took pills for headaches, eliminating the consequences of sadness, and forward, because you need to remind yourself in the information field, even for absurd reasons. So Denis Shershnev, having lost his mandate, decided to once again try on the far from snow-white mantle of a fighter against energy workers, blaming them for the energy shortage in the region.

It’s understandable, the guys from StopTariff somehow disappeared from the media field, having lost their popularity and exhausted their arguments. The situation has calmed down, but I want money, money! So the barrel rolls again on the energy drinks.

“The energy shortage comes from the grid company itself. Why doesn’t the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Energy have information? I can’t openly reproach them for their affiliation, but, clearly, all their actions and actions are coordinated with En+, and the creation of schemes for the planned development of the region’s grid complex takes place solely for the sake of the Irkutsk Electric Grid Company,” one of the tg channels published a quote from Denis Shershnev.

In politics and business, nothing happens “just like that.” There are always beneficiaries and beneficiaries. Let’s try to figure out why Denis Pavlovich suddenly decided to once again become an irreconcilable fighter for everything good against everything bad. After all, it was not for nothing that he remembered the energy shortage, even after flying out of his parliamentary seat.

The answer is on the surface. Denis Shershnev and director of Oblkommunenergo (abbreviated OKE; OGRN 1023801542412) Alexander Anfinogenov are still members of the StopTariff organizing committee. Opponents of introducing a commercial tariff for miners, as you know, are not fools to mine. Along with them is another member of StopTariff, Yuri Dromashko, who calls himself the founder of the crypto capital since 2016 (meaning, of course, Irkutsk).

And so the leader of the stop tariff not only has been mining for seven years, but also conducts training and sponsors the activities of such organizations. He doesn’t forget to follow social networks. Interesting observation, by the way. There has been silence in the tg channel of the mentioned organization for almost a month now. And for some time now the entrance to the Stoptariff website has been open only to “our own people”. We (and others) have also noticed a lull in mining ambassadors in recent months – no promotions or collection of signatures. Only rare, rare opuses from the mouths of their followers. Sometimes they are so pitiful that they themselves are probably ashamed.

So it turns out that those who shout the loudest about energy shortages are the ones who mine, consuming a lot of electricity.

By the way, given the latest events regarding Oblkommunenergo, where the number of accidents on networks is growing year after year, I would like to say that it would be better if they looked after their facilities and told employees at least about safety precautions. This was confirmed by the tragedy that occurred on September 8. An accident occurred in the area of ​​the Bolshoy Kalei recreation center, which is serviced by Oblkommunenergo. An arriving electrician received an electric shock while repairing electrical networks. And he died on the spot.

There are other problems too. According to our observations, Tulun suffered the most from the company’s negligence. To be fair, it should be said that in this case the responsibility lies not only with Oblkommunenergo. The fact is that Denis Shershnev is the owner of BaikalSvyazEnergoStroy LLC (abbreviated BSES; OGRN 1063808053363). The company is currently in bankruptcy. But she has a bunch of “sisters”, whom Denis Pavlovich produced for a variety of purposes.

So, the network of companies under the BaikalSvyazEnergoStroy brand is well and notorious in Tulun. After the 2019 flood, Shershnev made good money on the topic of “restoring” Tulun, receiving contracts for laying power supply networks in flooded and new houses. The quality of the work is evidenced by the fact that residents were simply electrocuted by such wiring. According to Irkutsk developers, Shershnev attracted students and local unemployed people as “electricians.”

The customer of the work was precisely “Oblkommunenergo”, which, undoubtedly, also had some goodies. As a result, they simply turned a blind eye to the violations, and Shershnev himself, through legal tricks, left all the networks he had laid virtually ownerless. Later, the investigation found that Shershnev’s company failed to pay taxes and fees in the amount of about one hundred million rubles, including penalties and fines.

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