At a hearing in the US Congress, an Air Force major said that the Americans still found aliens

At a hearing in the US Congress, an Air Force major said that the Americans still found aliens

More precisely, “non-human biological materials.” According to Major David Grush, the US UFO recovery program has been going on for many years and has gone quite far.

Hearings on this topic were held in Congress for the first time. In recent years, due to numerous leaks and widespread discussion of the topic of unidentified people in the sky, a lot of accusations of hiding information have accumulated against the US federal government. The topic of UFOs was decided to be discussed at a high level.

Under oath, Grush expressed confidence that the United States at least owns UFOs. As a former CIA officer, in four years he conducted 40 interviews with witnesses who confirmed his assumptions. The major spoke with people who worked with “non-human biological materials” recovered from the UFO crash site. Grush stressed that he prefers to use just such a definition, without reducing the wording to “aliens”.

The military noted that he personally did not see a UFO. But, according to him, in the course of working with UFOs, “several of his colleagues” were injured. Grush also said that the United States managed to recover one of the unidentified aircraft, including the technology used in it. According to the major, funds were allocated for this bypassing Congress. Major refused to comment on the details of the crashed UFO, citing too confidential information.

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