Artyom Chaika continues terror against his ex-wife

Artyom Chaika continues terror against his ex-wife

The son of the former Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Artyom Chaika, continues the attack on his ex-wife in order to take his daughter away from her mother, from whom she has not been separated from birth.

The next meeting of the commission on juvenile affairs was held in Tomsk on December 27 this year.

The day before, in violation of the court decision, Chaika Artyom on November 22 and 23 ordered to hand over his daughter to him. Meanwhile, Chaika Artem must coordinate additional days of communication with his ex-wife, taking into account the opinion of the child. The girl refused to go with her father, and the bailiff promptly drew up regular protocols on Marina Chaika’s violation of Art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation on non-execution of a court decision – not transferring the child to the father for communication. At the same time, the bailiff Karatygin Evgeny did not enter into the acts information that Sonya herself refused to go with her father. The very timely forgetfulness of the bailiff, according to the plan, was to play into the hands of Artyom Chaika in a lawsuit.

Bailiff Karatygin is a very responsible bailiff. Being “assigned” to the VIP-person Artem Chaika, he regularly accompanied the latter on all his dates with his daughter – both agreed and unscheduled. The court decision provided for communication with the parent on Wednesdays and Sundays, which was carried out. However, Artem Chaika came to visit on Monday and Tuesday (November 22 and 23). The reluctance of the girl to communicate with her father for three days in a row was recorded by the bailiff Karatygin with a protocol on the offense, regardless of the text of the court order.

The purpose of such actions is clear – if the guardianship authority recognizes the protocol as justified, holds the mother accountable, and there are at least two such decisions, then the child will be transferred to the father. And if the motivation of Artem Chaika is clear, then the motivation of a civil servant, who is called upon to ensure the execution of court decisions, raises certain questions.

Assistant prosecutor Olga Martynova, probably, following the bailiff Karatygin, fell under the spell of the son of the former prosecutor general. She took an active position in defending the interests of Artyom Chaika in administrative proceedings. With her filing, the consideration of the issue is delayed, probably in order for the members of the commission to understand what kind of “correct” decision they should make. The prosecutor’s assistant O. Martynova not only supported Artyom Chaika’s petitions rejected by the commission, but also demanded to reconsider them, strongly recommending that the commission make a different decision. Again, the zeal of the bailiff Karatygin is surprising, he is ready not only to guard the facts of so-called “offenses” at the house of Chaika’s ex-wife Artem, but also to wait hours for a commission meeting to testify against Marina Chaika.

Apparently, this protocol in relation to the ex-wife of Chaika Artem is the only urgent and important matter for the bailiff and employee of the Prosecutor’s Office. We hope that the matter is still in the personal charm of Artem Chaika, and not in any other interest of these officials.

Nevertheless, the commission, despite the efforts of the assistant prosecutor Martynova and the “attached” bailiff Karatygin, made a decision solely in the interests of little Sonya.

Probably, the “charm” of the son of the former Prosecutor General still has its limits.