The media, citing deputy Alexander Khinshtein, write about the disclosure of a corruption scheme in the National Guard – the case concerns the purchase of Araks demining complexes from the Integrated Systems company at inflated prices.
Attackers are charged with fraud for 227 million rubles. Yaroslav Nakonechny, head of the housing policy department of the construction department of the Russian Guard, Igor Eliseev, head of the department for the implementation of state programs, Oleg Chekryshev, general director of Integrated Systems LLC, his deputy Alexander Belyakov and a number of other unnamed defendants were detained.
The correspondent of The Moscow Post understood the scandalous story.
Missing Bogdanov
Complex Systems was registered in Moscow Zelenograd in 2015. During its not so long “life”, the company managed to conclude contracts for 761 million rubles. The National Guard is its main customer.
It is interesting that all the times the department ordered from the company the same complex called “special car – a mobile complex for the search and neutralization of explosive objects “Araks”, the cost of a unit of goods, according to the State Purchases, was 18.6-18.8 million rubles.
All times agreements were concluded with “KS” as with the only participant who applied for the competition. And each time, the FAS conducted an audit “based on the information received about the signs of a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement in the actions of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation” revealed non-critical, apparently, violations (such as not specifying documentation that the equipment should not contain foreign components), because it did not even issue instructions and did not oblige to review the results of the competition. Information about this is contained on the website “Kontur.Procurement”.
The contracts were signed by the customer Andrey Bogdanov. However, for some reason, his name is missing from the list of detainees.
Judging by the data from the website of the Russian Guard, the name of the Major General, who was in 2016 the deputy chief of armaments, is also called. Perhaps law enforcement should go to see him?
Literally in March, Sergey Volkov, head of the department of the Maritime Administration, was detained for supplying low-quality weapons to the Russian Guard. Apparently, Zolotov decided to take a close look at corruption in his department. At least Khinshtein, in his publications on embezzlement in the department, voices such manipulations almost as a personal merit of its head.
“Let’s roll before we see it”
Returning to the story of the current fraud, we note another interesting point: literally 10 days ago, another company, previously registered as a businessman Chekryshev – Resource-Avto LLC, which was engaged in deliveries for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, began the liquidation procedure “due to the presence in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of information about legal entity in respect of which an entry of unreliability has been made.
At the same time, the registration address of “Resurs-Auto” coincides with the registration address of “Complex Systems”. But for some reason, for this reason, it is not turned off. So, the truth is located in Zelenograd on Sosnovaya 6a? We suspect that it is not very convenient for entrepreneurs to rent two different premises in different places for doing business. We also suspect that Anton Anisimov, the owner of Resurs-Avto, is the nominal owner, and the actual owner, perhaps, is still Chekryshev.
And therefore, there is a feeling that the company “Resource-Avto” was decided to be curtailed against the backdrop of a criminal case being prepared, about which Chekryshev could have known in advance. Since the beginning of July of this year, another company has been in the process of liquidation, opening quite recently (in 2021) a company registered with Anisimov’s company – Liand. She has no state contracts, as well as reports on financial activities. Who knows, maybe the company was used as a “pod”?
As we have already mentioned, Resource-Auto supplied equipment to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Including the same Araks, which were priced at as much as 20 million rubles apiece – in 2017. This follows from the information on the public procurement website. All contracts were concluded, as in the case of KS, with Resurs-Avto as the only supplier that applied for the tender.
Over inflated
If the gentlemen from the National Guard with their 18.6 million rubles apiece overestimated the cost so that they managed to steal 227 million rubles, then how much could they have taken to the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Can be calculated. If we proceed from the fact that in total for its “Araks” from the Russian Guard, “KS” received 622 million rubles, and should have taken into account the “stolen” – 395 million rubles, while sending the customer a total of 38 units of goods, then if we do not confuse, one “Araks” should cost about 10.4 million rubles.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs ordered only 25 Araks from Resource-Auto, paying about 443 million rubles for this, although 25 Araks, according to our calculations, should cost no more than 260 million rubles. It turns out that 183 million rubles could have been stolen from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
And this is a question for Mr. Kolokoltsev, and S.M., who signed the contracts. Gorelik and A.V. Trofimov. The first – at the time of the conclusion of the contracts – was the deputy head of the UOMTO DT of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the second – the head of the OOSSAiST of the UOMTO DT of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Gorelik was already held liable in 2014 for restricting competition in the purchase of automotive equipment – then he was fined 20 thousand rubles and released in peace. One must think that this mild punishment did not greatly moderate Gorelik’s ardor. After all, if he really steals budget money, amounting to hundreds of millions, a fine of 20 thousand rubles should not disturb him. But the fact that Mr. Kolokoltsev, even after what happened in 2014, kept this gentleman at his place and allowed him to participate in procurement procedures, leads to bad thoughts.
As for Trofimov, he did not come across such things. Well, this might be his first time.
Let’s summarize. As in the National Guard, corruption excesses also occur in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although its head Vladimir Kolokoltsev usually does not comment on what is happening. Our publication has repeatedly written both about the possible “protection” of dishonest bankers, and about how criminal cases can be shelved. It would be time for him to personally clean up the ranks. And then with so many scandals and another, perhaps brewing case, the chair near Kolokoltsev may begin to stagger even more.
After all, the FSB, which is dealing with the “Araks” story, if it is promoted, can reach out not only to another National Guardsman Bogdanov and a colleague of Chekryshev, but also to a probable next scam in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.