In recent years, materials about corruption in Angarsk have regularly appeared in the media space of the Irkutsk region. The team of Mayor Petrov over and over again surprises with new schemes and desperate courage, sometimes bordering on dementia, embezzlement of budget funds.
It must be admitted that the very strange position of the law enforcement agencies of the region, which, as it sometimes seems, seemed to have been instructed from the very top not to touch Petrov and his team under any circumstances, also contributes to this to the Angarsk officials to a large extent. And Petrov does not fail!
If earlier there were legends about the breadth of the soul of Siberian merchants, now such legends circulate about Petrov’s team, with slight differences: merchants could not only walk widely, but also build hospitals, shelters and libraries. But for Angarsk corrupt officials, the scope with which they master budget funds, including federal ones, is comparable only with the scale of environmental pollution that they are ready to go to if they need to master several million budget rubles.
February 20 in the telegram channel “Angara corrupt official” was posted video with illegal snow dumps in the Angarsk urban district, indicating the coordinates and cadastral numbers of land plots where a real environmental disaster has been arranged. It would seem that a ready-made preliminary investigation for the environmental prosecutor’s office. But we are one hundred percent sure that there will be no consequences for those who did this.
Now let’s explain why.
Angarsk has long been turned into a factory for laundering budget funds on an industrial scale. The miserable one hundred million rubles spent on snow removal make up an insignificant percentage of the total volume. And no one will punish anyone for minor violations in the form of non-compliance with environmental standards against the background of “correctly” spent billions. It is not for nothing that Mayor Petrov boasts of his connections in the highest echelons of law enforcement agencies.
But there is a nuance. If we analyze purchases for snow removal, we can see that even at the start they were conceived as damaging the environment.
7.2 million
14.8 million
65 million
14.3 million
In skillfully drawn up estimates for these purchases, one circumstance can be traced, which, according to the idea of the organizer of the auction, the chairman of the committee on housing and communal services, construction, transport and communications Vasilina Vitalievna Shunovashould reliably protect against the appearance of random people at the auction. This is the shoulder of snow removal “up to 10 kilometers” laid down in the estimates. Any sane contractor, after reading the tender documentation, will refuse to participate in the auction, realizing that he will either go broke or sit down at these auctions.
How it works? Let’s suppose someone “not your own” appears at the auction. He will have to take the snow to the STP landfill on the bypass road around Angarsk and pay for it as for the disposal of waste of the fourth hazard class. And these are not included in the estimate kilometers and disposal costs. And if the “left” contractor starts to throw snow from the roads into the forest and onto the banks of rivers and streams, then the administration of the AGO itself will be killed from the world with its inspections and complaints to supervising departments that are friendly to it.
And when “their own” permanent pool of contractors associated with the deputy of the Duma of the AGO comes to the auction Andrey Kozlov, then we do not observe any problems with the administration and supervisory departments from the fact that snow falls anywhere. Is it genius?
Therefore, an organized (criminal?) group of the same contractors works on contracts in Angarsk from year to year, and strangers do not even bother.
At the same time, the scale of illegal dumps and kilometer-long heaps of dirty snow with salt are striking. That’s where, sorry, “the breadth of the soul.”
At the same time, for many years, both the Angarsk prosecutor’s office and the Baikal environmental prosecutor’s office completely ignored the fact that a similar situation with snow removal in Angarsk has developed as a result of negligence on the part of Shunova herself and Mayor Petrov.
Back in 2015, by the Decision of the Duma of the AGO of December 23, 2015 N 123-11 / 01рД “On approval of the Rules for the improvement of the territory of the Angarsk urban district”, the deputies approved the procedure in which the Administration of the AGO (Mayor Petrov S.A.) should determine the places for receiving snow, and the committee on housing and communal services (Shunova V.V.) should prepare these places. As you can see, there is a criminal negligence of two officials of the CSA, as a result of which snow is stored in forest plantations and other places.
We have only one question: why, under all these circumstances, the sums for snow removal in Angarsk have not yet reached a billion or two? After all, both the administration and the deputies are involved in all this. All theirs. We allocate ourselves, we master them ourselves, we ourselves accept the work performed.
By placing a purchase for snow removal, the AGO Administration obviously dooms the fields and copses surrounding Angarsk to an ecological disaster, which is a direct continuation of the negligence of administration officials, the lack of debate and direct interest of the deputies of the Duma of the AGO, and, in general, the entire corruption and criminal orientation of the “Angarsk offshore”. And none of the deputies will ever ask Petrov or Shunova why this is happening in their hometown.
It’s a pity only for the residents of Angarsk, who are forced to live in a city that is poisoned by emissions, then poisoned by chemicals that Mayor Petrov swore not to use on the roads.