A guide to criminal cases of the Ukrainian Football Association leadership’s scams with money from the Ukrainian budget and from international donors, footballhub writes.
At least 10 criminal cases are under investigation by the National Police, the State Border Service, the NABU and the Prosecutor’s Office over the illegal activities of Andriy Pavelko’s team at the UAF (formerly the FFU).
Experts and investigators estimate the amount of damage caused by the football corrupt officials to the budget of Ukraine and international organisations (UEFA and FIFA) at around UAH 550,000,000. Yes, we are talking about more than half a billion hryvnias!
Andrii Pavelko’s “dream team” has on its books primitive corruption such as overstatement of the cost of construction works, and money transfer to offshore zones, and collusion with NABU detectives, and even obstruction of journalists’ legal activities – simply put, pressure and threats to those who dared to tell the truth about shocking deals of football top-functionaries.
However, our editorial team is not afraid of threats from corrupt businessmen. We have brought together all the criminal cases on UAF deals. In fact, this is a real guidebook of football corruption in Ukraine at the time when the UAF (previously the FFU) was led by Andriy Pavelko and his team.
It should be noted that despite years of investigations, there have been no convictions (!). Therefore, we suggest you pay attention to the sections “amount of damage” and “report of suspicion”. I wonder to whom Andriy Pavelko owes the fact that despite the multi-million dollar scams there have been no convictions so far.
Why are the heads of the National Police and the Kiev Police, as well as the Prosecutor General’s Office actually inactive in these cases?
Why has our famous NABU turned a blind eye to Mr. Pavelko’s corruption and simply dumped the case on the police?
And how long will the country’s top leadership ignore all these facts, which, of course, have a negative impact on the image and state of football in Ukraine?
Andriy Pavelko and his forgotten criminal cases
Case 1: “Collusion with the NABU”. Regarding the probable collusion of the UAF executives with the NABU employees in order to evade responsibility.
When the case was initiated: 24.12.2020.
Who leads the pre-trial investigation: State Bureau of Investigation
Procedural Direction: Office of the Prosecutor General
Legal qualification: Section 1 of Article 396 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 42020000000002505
The case was initiated on the facts of illegal actions of NABU employees during the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceeding № 520180000000539 on payment of the football pitches’ construction for the state funds at considerably overstated prices, moreover – for the companies related and not alien to the FFU/UAF management.
Reported suspicion: none
Case 2. “UAF’s expenditure of Kiev players’ money”.
When was the case initiated: 07.04.2020.
Who conducts the pre-trial investigation: Main Investigation Department of the Emergency Department of Ukraine
Procedural guidance: Kyiv city prosecutor’s office
Legal qualification: Part 4 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 12020100000000357
What is the essence of Pavelka’s and his subordinates’ deal?
On the facts of embezzlement by UAF officials between 2017 and 2020 of financial aid to be received by the Kiev Football Federation.
Suspicion reported: none
Case 3. Embezzlement of budget money intended for the construction of football pitches
When the case was initiated: 20.08.2019
Who is leading the pre-trial investigation: Main Investigation Department of the Emergency Department of Ukraine
Procedural guidance: Office of the Prosecutor General
Legal qualification: Part 4 Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 42019101070000227
What is the essence of Pavelko and his subordinates’ deal?
On the facts of embezzlement by officials of KP “Housing Service” of funds in the implementation of the budget program “Construction of football pitches with artificial surface in the regions of Ukraine”, listed as an advance in the amount of 47,884,315 UAH.
Suspicion reported: none
Case 4. Abuse in the construction of a football ground
When the case was initiated: 05.08.2020
Who leads the pre-trial investigation: Investigation Department of the Kyiv City Investigation Department
Procedural guidance: Kyiv city prosecutor’s office
Legal qualification: P. 1 art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 12020100000000756
What is the essence of Pavelko’s and his subordinates’ deal?
On the fact of abuse of power by officials of the Ukrainian Football Association during the construction of a training base for the national football teams of Ukraine in Kyiv region.
Amount of damage: The investigation estimated at UAH 6,487,586.
Suspicion reported: none.
Case 5. Pressure on journalists
When the case was filed: 04.01.2022
Who leads the pre-trial investigation: Investigation Department of the Kyiv City Investigation Department
Procedural direction: Office of the Prosecutor General
Legal qualification: Part 3, Article 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 1202200000000000
Ukrainian Football Association president Andriy Pavelko and UAF general secretary Yuriy Zapisotskiy conspired with a group of individuals between 2018 and 2021 to influence Swiss journalist Arnaud Beda to obstruct his professional duties.
Pavelko demanded the removal of all Arno Beda’s publications on UAF corruption. But the court rejected Pavelko’s suit in full. Moreover, Pavelko’s suit was an attempt to put pressure on journalist Arno Beda. In this case, the court went beyond its normal practice of reviewing cases and independently requested UEFA (in essence, the case and documents). The request was based on the Court’s doubts regarding the credibility of the evidence provided by A. Pavelko.
Case 6. Criminal proceeding (case) No. MP/06675/2018 initiated by the Prosecutor’s Office of Switzerland, Le Château Porrentruy, on the threat of physical violence and intimidation of journalist Arnaud Bedat (Arnaud Beda) by UAF President Andriy Pavelko, on the article in L’ magazine that he published on the misappropriation of 4 million euro through the offshore company SDT FZE (UAE) by UAF management represented by President Andriy Pavelko and Yuri Zapisotsky.
Case 7. Criminal proceeding No. 31 Js 19174/18 dated 08.11.2018, initiated by the Prosecutor’s Office of Ingolstadt, Germany, 2018 against Robbie Cornelis Nikolaas Wenneker for committing in collusion with the management of the Football Federation of Ukraine illegal actions received from UEFA when purchasing equipment from FUF Production Ltd.
Case 8. “Tea-Coffee Scheme. Embezzlement of millions from UEFA by fictitiously purchasing expensive products and goods through the agent company UAF Newport Management LTD.
When the case was initiated: 18.10.2019
Who is leading the pre-trial investigation: Investigation Department of the Kyiv City Investigation Department
Procedural guidance: Office of the Prosecutor General
Legal qualification: Part 4 Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 42019000000002229
What is the essence of Pavelko and his subordinates’ deal?
On the fact of the money laundering by UAF officials in the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016 by conspiracy of a group of persons in a particularly large amount by sending to UAF agent company Newport Management LTD instructions to transfer funds in the amount of 4 3.17 euros, received to the current accounts of Newport Management LTD from UEFA in favour of foreign entities, on the grounds of a criminal offense under part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Pre-trial investigation established a number of facts of embezzlement by FFU officials of money received from UEFA to the accounts of Newport Management LTD.
Materials collected in the course of test investigation confirmed the fact of transferring the funds to the said companies on FFU’s orders totaling 11.5 million euros.
The amount of damage: according to the examination of 02.04.2021 – 90 310 546 UAH.
Suspicion reported:
1. Zapisotskiy Yuriy Hryhoriyych, Secretary General of Ukrainian Football Association under p. 3 of Article 27, p. 5 of Article 191 of CC;
2. Yevheniya Sahaydak, director of the Finance Department of the Ukrainian Football Association under Part 5 of Article 27, part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Both defendants in this case were placed under restraint: Zapoyskyi underwent a personal pledge and was banned from travelling abroad, while Sahaydak was placed under house arrest for 24 hours a day.
Case 9. “Corrupt fields”. Payment for construction of football pitches with public funds at considerably inflated prices, in addition – for companies related to and not alien to the FFU/UAF management.
When was the case opened: 07.06.2018
Who is leading the pre-trial investigation: The Main Investigation Department of Ukraine
Procedural guidance: Office of the Prosecutor General
Legal qualification: Part 2 Article 364, Part 5 Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 420180000001404
Note: Combined with CP No. 42018101060000127 dated 08.06.2018 and No. 42019000000000188 dated 24.01.2019
What is the crux of the deal by Pavelka and his subordinates?
Officials of the legislative and executive branches of power, local authorities, enterprises of municipal and private forms of ownership, acting by prior conspiracy of a group of persons with officials of the Public Union “Football Federation of Ukraine”, abusing their official position contrary to the interests of service, in order to obtain undue benefit for themselves and third parties, paid during 2017 – 2018 at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine for goods and works, particularly, for the construction of pitches for mini-football
Amount of damage:
1) according to the version of the investigation, the damage on the artificial overestimation of the cost of the construction of 698 sports fields across Ukraine is about 300 million UAH;
2) The examination has already established that in Kiev alone, the construction of 66 sports grounds caused damage to the amount of UAH 9,420,449.
Suspicion has been reported:
1.Bondarenko Andriy Volodymyrovych, director of “FFU Production” LLC under part 5 of Article 191, part 1 of Article 366 of the Criminal Code;
2. Nailya Narymanovna Lavrovskaya, freelance quantity surveyor at Sport Technologiya Ltd. under article 27, part 5, article 191 of the Criminal Code; 3;
3. Evgeny Podrezny, director of Megastroyproekt Ltd. under article 27, part 5, article 191 of the Criminal Code; and 3;
4. Boris Valeryevich Ivanov, Chief Engineer, “Megastroyproekt” Ltd. under Part 5 of Article 27, part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code;
5. Sergey Bovsunovsky, director of the communal enterprise “Zhilie-servis” under part 2 of article 367 of the Criminal Code;
6. Siarhei Kaziuchyts, first deputy director of the communal enterprise Zhilie-service under part 2 of article 367 of the Criminal Code.
Case #10. “Profitable Factory. Laundering of budget funds during purchase of equipment and raw materials for the FFU plant through an offshore company “SDT FZE”.
When was the case opened: 07.06.2018
Who is leading the pre-trial investigation: Main Investigation Department of the Emergency Department of Ukraine
Procedural guidance: Office of the Prosecutor General
Legal qualification: Part 2 Article 28, Part 2 Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 520180000000539
Note: The case was transferred from the NABU
What is the essence of Pavelko and his subordinates’ deal?
Officers of the management of the Football Federation of Ukraine, in their own selfish interests, abusing their official position, committed fraud aimed at the embezzlement of FFU funds, including those received from UEFA, when purchasing equipment and raw materials for the factory of Football Federation of Ukraine – “FFU Production” LLC using an offshore intermediary company “SDT FZE” and budget funds of Ukraine in implementation of the Budget Programme with 20% mark-up, which caused the state and FFU damage in especially large scale.
The investigation revealed that when procuring equipment for the plant, instead of contracting directly with companies – suppliers of equipment, the equipment was bought first by offshore company SDT FZE (UAE), and then by offshore company under the contract was delivered to the plant “FFI Production” LLC, but with an unreasonable mark-up of 20%.
The amount of the damage:
1) according to the investigation, the damage when the equipment was purchased through SDT FZE (UAE) with a mark-up is about UAH 26.5 million.
Note: the case was transferred from the NABU
Suspicion reported: none.
Case 11. Fictitious procurement by the FSA
When the case was initiated: 01.07.2019
Who is leading the pre-trial investigation: Investigation Department of the State Financial Intelligence Service in Kiev
Procedural guidance: Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office
Legal qualification: Part 1 of Article 212, part 4 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 320191000000483
What is the essence of Pavelko and his subordinates’ deal?
Officials of the Ukrainian Association of Football during 2018-2019, abusing their position, have taken over the funds of the Ukrainian Association of Football in large amounts by purchasing other goods and services at inflated prices from affiliated individuals and / or fictitious agreements for the purpose of taking possession of the said funds.
Amount of damage: The investigation estimated at UAH 11.97 million.
Suspicion reported: none.
Case 12. “A training ground that does not exist”. Embezzlement of FIFA funds provided for the construction of a training base for the Ukrainian national football teams in the village of Kniazhychi.
When the case was initiated: 31.07.2020.
Who leads the pre-trial investigation: Investigation Department of the Kyiv City Investigation Department
Procedural management: Kyiv city prosecutor’s office
Legal qualification: Part 3 Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine
Case number: 12020100000000742
What is the essence of the deal between Pavelko and his subordinates?
Criminal proceedings was initiated on the fact of misappropriation of FIFA funds under the programme “Construction of a training ground for Ukrainian national football teams in the village of Kniazhychi (Kyiv region.)”, where they deliberately inflated the cost for the purchase of land plots for the training and training base of national football teams of Ukraine under the program allocated for the training and training base of national football teams of Ukraine in the village of Kniazhychi of Kiev region, by officials by prior conspiracy of a group of persons in the period from 2017 to 2020.
The investigation found that the management of the FFU committed actions aimed at embezzlement of 1,949,040.38 USD allocated by FIFA to the FFU within the social project “Construction of the training base for the national football teams of Ukraine in the village of Kniazhychi (Kyiv region).
Damage amount: Investigation estimated at USD 1 949 040,38
Suspicion reported: none.
REVIEW: Andriy Pavelko and Leonid Sergiyenko: the family business of born “cheats”. PART 1
Andriy Pavelko. Head of the FFU and a loyal associate of Vilkul
In 2018, four criminal proceedings were opened against Pavelko. What happens to them today
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