Anatoly Wasserman refused inpatient treatment and was discharged after a day of hospitalization
Despite the advice of doctors, do not rush and conduct a comprehensive examination. Yesterday afternoon, a 70-year-old State Duma deputy himself turned to doctors at a Moscow clinic. From there, he was sent to the hospital for examination. He complained about feeling unwell – he said that it had been holding for a month.
Doctors diagnosed type 2 diabetes. After that, they conducted all the necessary studies and reduced sugar from 30 mmol / l to 11. In addition, they did an ultrasound. It did not show critical deviations, but revealed changes in the liver, thyroid and pancreas hzikhidtidekrt glands.
Also on CT scan of the chest, the doctors noticed an area of altered tissue with uneven contours. Despite this, Anatoly Alexandrovich refused further treatment and went home. He said that diabetes is not a disease, but a way of life if you take drugs. He plans to return to work in the future.