The Horizon Club, which was discussed in our previous article, is one of the key new initiatives of Dmitry Naguta and Aliya Saduakasova. The format of the “club” as a disguise for illegal financial activities is by no means the scammers’ own invention, it has been used many times before. But for Kazakhstan, namely our country, scammers are targeting, Horizon, which leads such a Pound of Naguta Aliya Saduakasova, is something new.
The “events” section of the official Horizon website lists the only meeting, which took place on May 11-12 in the unrecognized territory of Northern Cyprus, at the Lord’s Palace Hotel (this hotel-casino for the poor is not the first year is considered a safe haven for knights of quick profit). I don’t know how big the event was, but its program clearly shows that we are dealing with a pyramidal sect. The honor of being a skirmisher belongs to the new partner of Dmitry Nuguta – A. Saduakasova.
Aliya Saduakasova talks about her success story for an hour and a half. What kind of success this is is easy to see on her instagram. This is a typical instagram swindler. Did you pay attention? They all look alike. There must certainly be a photo “me and a cool car” and “me and a computer”. And certainly warm hotels. But with Saduakasova, everything has its own, unique flair.
The poor success story of Aliya Saduakasova
Aliya Saduakasova has a cool car – not even rented for an hour, like with respected colleagues in the shop. She didn’t pay 40-50 euros to ride her.
Hotels and interiors, Saduakasova’s “success stories” are also poor by the standards of the profession. Don’t get me wrong: poverty is not a vice, as one playwright used to say. Vice is dishonest poverty. Aliya Saduakasova has no success story. But there is a desire to deceive others.
Why did Naguta pick Saduakasova?
Let’s remember the words written by Saduakasova in the profile. I’m sure she took them out just to fill the space. The day will come when she herself will understand that this was a prophecy:
Naguta is a skilled swindler. Why did he need some kind of Crowbar of the category “fifth with dog meat” with a thousand subscribers on instagram? I am sure that Dmitry himself told Aliya about her great prospects. In fact, everything is simpler: Naguta needs a lightning rod.

Dmitry Naguta knows very well that he knows little about local specifics. In a brilliant document called “club rules”, the author even made a funny mistake: he mixed up the words “ethical” and “ethnic“, exposing the problems that bother him. In order to collect a generous harvest from Kazakhstan, a local scrap is needed. Well, at least the smallest one.
Saduakasova is a convenient, greedy and not very smart candidate for this role. She will be the first – and therefore the guilty one, when the pyramid of the Horizon club collapses. And she will shrink, and no matter what tricks you come up with about the legality of the club as such, the people will look for the guilty. In any pyramid, the one who is to blame is:
- Was in plain sight;
- Local;
- Has not enough money to pay off the investigation.
That’s the whole idea of using Saduakasova. And Aliya, keep in mind that now is just the moment when you can still “change your finish”. Start now! Then it will be too late! Naguta will use you for their intended purpose and throw you in jail.
In the meantime, let’s continue the fun at the hotel…
On the second day, Saduakasova also performed first. Her role is to increase the credibility of the next speaker, who should provide fees.
Dmitry Naguta himself gives a stunning hour-long lecture called “Financial Freedom”. In the program, he is written in imported letters (Dmytro Naguta), so that it seems that we are facing an important imported man, and not a runaway pyramid. Well, Aliya Saduakasova’s senior partner, Naguta, knows something about financial freedom: in Kyiv, he successfully “liberated” his creditors from the burden of money, and then he himself was freed from a criminal case of fraud.
Dmitry Naguta is a master of survival
Much has been written about Dmitry Nagut. A man with exceptional survival skills: pull off so many scams, get criminal cases and at the same time go free … His story is not so banal. The guy from Khmelnytsky – was the “centurion” of MMM. Somewhere in 2012, he ran around businessmen and asked for money for a new project. Enlisting support, he opened fictitious companies. For example, Helix Capital Investments LTD did not even have an office in London, but promised a yield of up to 500%. While the largest US and EU investment funds show a yield of about 5%. He made a couple of payments to the first investors at the expense of newcomers under the Ponzi scheme – moreover, he managed to attract a lot of young people who were born after the collapse of MMM. The founder of the pyramid “Helix-Capital Ukraine” Dmitry Naguta called himself not only the leader of the “British investment fund Helix”, but also the nephew of Poroshenko

In court, Naguta and his partners denied that they were in business – they did educational seminars about network marketing, that’s all! Although after watching any Naguta commercial. There, Dmitry Naguta tells the opposite: all funds are “invested in a real million-dollar business.” A business that brings 240% a year is children’s trampoline complexes and baths.
And this is not the only “London” pyramid that was associated with Naguta – in “Kairos Technologies” (whose creator is a certain Artem Grebinnyuk), people also took 10-20 thousand dollars each – they were offered passive income from a PC, they were assured that the processor power could bring his owner money. They offered to “create their own planet.” Similar tales of Naguta are now being broadcast in Kazakhstan by his accomplice Aliya in the subject of the Horizon scam. Dmitry Naguta called himself not only the leader of the “British startup”, but also Poroshenko’s nephew.
Note that in 2016 the head of the Ukrainian pyramid Dmitry Naguta and his accomplices tried to leave the country. However, the court then put them in a pre-trial detention center on a total bail of 8.5 million hryvnias. A short time later, Naguta was released on bail. The main person involved in the case also filed an appeal to return 5 million hryvnia bail. He chose Viktor Petrunenko as his lawyer – this defender is known in the case of “diamond prosecutors”. Evil tongues gossip that the total amount spent by Naguta on freedoms amounted to more than 15 million hryvnias in bribes to the right people.
At the end of the “club meeting”, a team of clowns supporting Dmitry Naguta, which he brought from Ukraine, performed. It is significant that the name of the team is Gatsby & partners. As you can see, the organizers of the pyramid are not particularly worried about their audience and immediately give hints that all this is a scam. After all, we all remember who Gatsby is? Yes? Right? I’ll check!
Author: Tatiana Yakovenko