Every week, there is a new reason to commemorate the deputy of the Irkutsk Duma with an unkind word Alexandra Safronova appears in the information field. Since December last year, when Safronov took the position of head of the New People’s regional department and openly announced his intention to run for the regional parliament, more and more “troubles” have been falling on him like from a cornucopia.
A couple of weeks ago, Babr already spoke about the searches carried out in the office of the Capital Construction Department, headed by Alexander Safronov, and the initiation of a pre-investigation check on a number of facts regarding the work of the enterprise. Law enforcement officers suspect several major property transactions of UKS at once, including the Pioneer stadium and a number of purchase and sale transactions in the implementation of the resettlement program.
But already last week, the unfortunate politician again became the main character of the near-criminal news reports. This time the reason for the increased interest in the deputy of the City Duma from the security services and the media was driving while intoxicated. Against the backdrop of numerous financial scams by Mr. Safronov, which for many years remained without due attention, such a reason for detention seems at least unexpected.
But if before the affairs of a small man for the most part remained in the shadows, now he has become a big man. Big and new. And for a number of reasons, it attracts increased attention to its seemingly unremarkable person.
The only thing the New People have to offer voters on this much-anticipated election day is their “purity.” New people – a party without a real program, without large and truly significant “persons” in the list of regional representatives, without achievements and without a real “bright” idea. Its only advantage is that it is not the rest of the parties, which are so endlessly annoying to every somewhat sane voter of the party.
That is why any significant blow to the image of a “newcomer” is often an irreparable blow for party ratings. And Safronov so far only rushes into the pre-election battle with unbridled zeal, moreover, one by one, missing knockouts. Every week more and more details of his public and personal life emerge, for which everyone involved has to blush. Well, Safronov himself can only refuse to comment, unable to find another at least somewhat sincere justification.
Real captains do not leave the ship in the event of a crash. Alexander Safronov in “New People” the captain is completely inexperienced, but already unequivocally – sinking. And in this case, the ship goes to the bottom for the captain, and not vice versa.
And here the rule “named a load” does not work. There is little space in the back, and there are more and more interested in it every day. And even if the deputies of the City Duma are completely confident in their ability to jump into a bigger boat, the “big brothers” remind who is who.
You can demonstrate as much as you like that you have outgrown a children’s bicycle with four wheels. But until the parents decide that this is true, and the wheels are not removed – Sasha Safronov ride on his hateful children’s bike. And in the literal and figurative sense. Rights are now unlikely to be returned.