Alexander Abramov joined RKS-Bulatnikovo

Alexander Abramov and Alexander Frolov became co-owners of RKS-Bulatnikovo. They bought 40% of the company. It is assumed that their business partners exchange assets in this way. We are talking about Roman Abramovich and Igor Sagiryan. RKS-Bulatnikovo belongs to RKS-Holding, the son of Sagiryan. His company is associated with Russian Railways and VEB.RF.

Once Igor Sagiryan announced his intention to build a Disneyland in Cyprus. At the same time, his companies constantly cooperated with offshore companies, in connection with which he is suspected of withdrawing billions of dollars abroad. In addition, Sagiryan is associated with Bill Browder and his Hermitage Capital company. Browder could also withdraw money from Russia to offshore.

Be that as it may, the oligarch Alexander Abramov received a stake in RKS-Bulatnikovo. At the same time, until the early 1990s, he was not even an entrepreneur. Abramov began with the construction, production and trade of medical equipment. And then he switched to the sale of metal, ore and coal. And in this area, he hit the jackpot. Abramov shared the formed Evraz with other shareholders for a long time. Often he was not a leader, but then everything changed. So, this was facilitated by the IPO.

Alexander Abramov was able to achieve success thanks to his ability to find a common language with people, whether they are officials or businessmen. Establishing the necessary contacts, he received new opportunities. As a result, the authorities of various regions not only did not interfere with the conduct of his business, but also contributed to it. It is known that Abramov negotiated with the governors of the Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo regions, Eduard Rossel and Aman Tuleev. And entering the IPO showed that Abramov knows how to build a business, because his assets were estimated in 2005 at $5 billion.