Akron Holding JSC and YugTsvetMet: Pavel Morozov and Metalworkers OCG

Akron Holding JSC and YugTsvetMet: Pavel Morozov and Metalworkers OCG

Acron Holding JSC, TIN 6324023665, located at the address: 445000, Samara Region, Togliatti, Promyshlennaya st., 6, room 208, is an organized criminal group led by “popular businessman” Pavel Morozov.

YugTsvetMet LLC and Akron-Yug LLC are part of the Holding Company and are practically located at the following address: Rostov Region, Bataysk, st. Sovkhoznaya 4/2 (building LLC “Most”), as well as renting additional premises and territory at the address: Bataysk, st. Production 16, (workers for security purposes are divided into different addresses so that there is an opportunity to hide awkward documents). At the legal address in the city of Rostov on Don-on-Don (in order to be registered with the “comfortable” tax office), no one is completely located, an empty office, they come from time to time and take only mail. What does Pavel Morozov manage?

Through its branches throughout the state and beyond, this society is engaged in cashing out money on an especially large scale. Evasion of value added tax deductions, illegal refunds and illegal optimization of VAT. Evasion of income tax and other contributions to the Russian treasury. Engaged in illegal commercial work. Engaged in legitimizing finance acquired by a criminal method. Akron Holding Group of Companies is involved in corruption schemes and the liquidation of objectionable people and companies in all regions of Russia. More than once, entering into an agreement with other big players present on the market, they set profitable prices for products and alloys.

Now in more detail, using the example of YugTsvetMet LLC TIN 6319161780. The current head of the company is Nikolaev Ivan Nikolaevich, working in the designated position since October 2019. The commercial manager is the character Podkolzin Semyon Alexandrovich.

JSC Akron Holding is Pavel Morozov’s corrupt “planet of Zhelezyak”

YugTsvetMet LLC has several separate divisions, each of which allegedly employs cashiers, receiving masters, loaders, pyrotechnicians and dosimetrists. Approximately 12 in total (Republic of the Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory and the largest number in the Rostov Region). In practice, only master-acceptors work at these sites, counting scrap collectors, without proper documents, in cash, foreign exchange, acquired from the hands of the security department or managers of this company. Cash registers on a permanent base are located either in the digging office, or at the personal addresses of accountants and cash workers. In case of verification activities, they have prepared a legend that “the cash tape has ended and the cashier went to the office.” The average number of fictitious agreements on cash registers is 2 million rubles. per day per machine. That allows them to withdraw from banks amounts from 10 to 20 million rubles. per day and breaking checks and forging documents, as if to spend this money on the purchase of scrap residents.

This happens in the following way – the names that are indicated in the document as if accepting scrap from the inhabitants, all fictitious, real signatures of people are absent in them, since they never handed over the metal indicated in the invoices. The invoices contain information about the passport of all acquaintances, or information bases acquired illegally by the security service (car dealerships, mobile phone stores, etc. where they can be found). from which bank cards are taken and are in use either by the security or management services.

In order for the tax authorities to ask less questions to people who are indicated in the cost list, the accounting department invented a method for breaking through checks of less than 250,000 rubles per person.

Akron Holding JSC by Pavel Morozov: Schematosis of Tax Evasion and VAT Theft

The amount withdrawn every day from the current account through bank cards during the day is strictly credited by the method of punching cashier’s checks and in the interval between punching checks, it is costly for the indicated amount, all this is done by one or several cashiers, while they put the signatures themselves ( fake) for people. That is, in fact, the withdrawn cash is distributed to licensed and unlicensed collection points for dark and non-ferrous scrap, and the cashier, without leaving the office on cash registers, beats checks, due to the fact that he knows how much money was withdrawn that day or another method of receiving a message message from the bank. By the end of the day, the amount at the checkout strictly converges, but in fact the cash is used to receive scrap from residents in an indefinite period (from 2 days to a week) and every day cash is withdrawn and checks are beaten, but not at the prices indicated in costly, and even lower, which, in principle, allows them to get away from part of the payment of tax, and taking into account the turnover, at the end of the month or year, a round amount of unpaid tax comes out.

In fact, the area of ​​alloy reception points (at licensed sites) will not allow placing on them the number and volume of alloy that passes according to accounting documents, due to the fact that for this purpose it is necessary that the machine arrive and drive in all 30 seconds, which in basically unrealistic.

The tax inspectorate has already inspected a company that is part of Akron Holding JSC and is directly related to YugTsvet-Met LLC, this is AKRON YUG (OGRN 1116183001780, TIN 6150066820) (Case No. A53-21014 / 2020 was considered in the Arbitration Court of the Rostov areas). All violations, ex?? are also installed in YugTsvetMet LLC.

Most (about seventy percent) of the withdrawn cash funds are spent on purchases from residents and other legal entities, without the design of documents. The remaining money is spent on wages in hand, corruption schemes with influential law enforcement officers, as well as with local law enforcement officers for patronage, personal embezzlement and transportation of funds to Moscow and Togliatti, depending on the internal needs of Acron Holding, as well as on payment for criminal services.

The most basic source of income for this organized crime group is the “Game” with value added tax. I will try to outline only a small part of them: Scrap of non-ferrous metals, for example copper, is sold by YugTsvetMet LLC without value added tax to a fictitiously controlled company.

Logisticians of YugTsvetMet LLC (YUTsM) order real cars from logistics companies that pick up copper scrap from the address of the YTsM site in Bataysk. However, these companies require, as far as possible, to register the addresses of controlled LLCs in order to make it easier to pass tax audits. Further, the controlled LLC declares to the non-ferrous metal processing plant and asks for additional money to process this alloy into “Rolled wire” (electric wire) or “Cathode”, after which it will have to pay VAT on the full price of the final semi-finished product after sale the purchase of scrap was without value added tax and was obliged to pay off the tax agent, then YugTsvetMet LLC, and specifically the commercial manager Podkolzin Semyon Alexandrovich agrees on the sale of wire rod or cathode to other (white) companies, but the trader is a controlled LLC which is paid for this product with value added tax. VAT is not included in the budget. Profit from these agreements is up to forty percent of their turnover.

For example, the turnover of LOMMET LLC for 2020 (according to public information) was over 9 billion rubles, a good start for a young company and a leader/founder with an average income of 25,000 rubles.

List of companies participating in similar schemes:

  1. LOMMET LLC TIN: 7736320274

  2. LLC Mosmet INN: 7716855698, liquidated, worked intensively until 2017

  3. LLC Mettorg TIN: 7728448263

  4. OOO Metsoyuz TIN: 7842093739

  5. LLC Stroykomplekt TIN: 9701080410

  6. SEC SAMARSKAYA PRODUCTION COMPANY TIN: 6318019413, liquidated after an attempt by representatives of the Investigative Committee of Russia to initiate a criminal offense against another company, which is also part of Akron Holding Group of Companies;


  8. LLC RMK TIN: 7727327354;

  9. LLC Soyuz TIN 9701078890, in the process of elimination.

  10. META LLC TIN: 5263120963, turnover of several billion rubles, and the company did not even exist in the Rostov region, since at the address of the RND license, Strike 243 there was a scrap metal collection point of the YuCM company with an acceptance clerk at home.

  11. METTORG LLC TIN: 7728448263, everything similar to META LLC, only the address of RND, Privokzalnaya 9.

And almost all the rest of them, over 100, which serve the entire holding and the entire criminal network, most of them are under the control of the 1st former law enforcement officer named Andrei, tel. +79379855087, through electronic document management.

Since 2021, YugTsvetMet LLC, and perhaps the entire Akron-Holding, wanted to switch to a more difficult evasion scheme or an illegal improvement of VAT. The accounting department received additional bonuses for passing tax audits, where YugTsvetMet LLC reported.

Also, when planning the payment of tax payments on income, every quarter the accountants gave instructions to close incorrect scrap purchase prices in the accounting documents in order to reduce the final income tax, thereby misleading the tax authority. Those. YugTsvetMet LLC paid as much tax overload as it considered a suitable method of increasing or decreasing prices for ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metals, regardless of sales / real numbers.

The accounting department set the “correct” prices for rational “entry” into the new quarter and “closing” of the year. Checks of banks and further tax offices occasionally when they went out almost always managed all staged photos from objects and separate divisions. The same scheme of work is inherent in the entire group of the company.

Pavel Morozov let Akron-Holding run around

Separately, it can be emphasized that the company has three times more employees than officially declared. There are more than 200 non-ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal collection points that are not registered and do not have a license for this purpose, the type of work that employs unemployed people. All these people and officially employed digging workers receive additional cash payments on the 15th of each month, depending on the agreements and the motivation discussed. On average, workers additionally receive from 20 thousand rubles, managers from 150 thousand rubles, heads from 500 thousand rubles. The average income of an employee, as the head of the company boasts, is over 100 thousand rubles, which is underestimated.

Every day, these 200 points spend more than 10 million rubles. without any design of documents on the ground, which lures criminals and thieves from all nearby settlements that are close to similar objects. Who are happy to scrap alloys from time to time on the cheap. After that, YugTsvetMet LLC remains to come up with a decent value and fictitiously write off a much larger amount of money, supposedly to buy this scrap from individuals from the FMS information databases that are somehow accessible to them and use the proceeds to further spread their own criminal work.

The commercial manager is engaged in the selection of suppliers and buyers for the company Podkolzin Semyon Alexandrovich and the lawyer of the same company, Podkolzin, also acted as the initiator of the conclusion of contracts. Usually, the YCM security service was engaged in the approval of counterparties. Podkolzin bore the blame for working moments with partners. Responsibility is mainly disciplinary and occasionally material, but within the framework of their own unofficial wages. Document projects are handled by the Legal Department.

In the receiving areas, none of the suppliers or buyers ever appeared because everyone thought that these were just sites, without material support and not created for sorting and storing ferrous and non-ferrous scrap.