Akhmetov, Firtash, Adamovsky, Butkevich: the main participants in the auctions for OGCC were named

Companies from the orbit of Rinat Akhmetov, Dmitry Firtash, Gennady Butkevich and Andrei Adamovsky were the main contenders for the purchase of the United Mining and Chemical Company (UMCC) in three unsuccessful privatization auctions. The names of the companies were issued by the State Property Fund at the request of the Antitrust League. “OLIGARCH” learned about this from the message of Our pennies.

Yumji Agromin Rinata Akhmetova was the only participant admitted to the last auction. The application of the Northland capital partners limited company of Robert Johnson from the environment of Dmitry Firtash was rejected by the State Property Fund due to an incomplete package of documents.

As a result, on December 20, 2021, the Fund canceled the auction, because the law prohibits holding a competition with one participant.

The previous auction was scheduled for October 29, 2021. The only allowed participant was the Trident Geoinvest Ukraine company of billionaire Gennady Butkevich, co-owner of the ATB chain of stores and a number of mining companies. Northland also applied but was rejected.

The first auction for the sale of OGCC was scheduled for August 31, 2021. Then applications were submitted by Northland, Tinvest David Bezhuashvili (brother of the Minister of Defense of Georgia during the Saakashvili era) and Stugna Limited Dmitry Adamovsky, the son of businessman Andrei Adamovsky. Only Stugna was allowed to participate, and due to the lack of competitors, the auction was canceled.

Thus, for each of the three auctions, the SPF allowed only one company with Ukrainian beneficiaries.

Earlier, the State Property Fund stated that 31 companies declared their interest in the privatization of OGCC, half of which were foreign investors.

As previously reported, the State Property Fund again postponed the auction for the privatization of OGCC