Airborne left without 13 billion rubles “untouchable”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is afraid to involve the organizer of gigantic thefts, and he is mastering new budget funds

To the story of uninvestigated large-scale theft during the construction of facilities of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov was joined by the military prosecutor’s office and deputies of the State Duma. All of them demand that the perpetrators be held accountable immediately. Moreover, you don’t really need to look for them, all paths from theft lead to one person – Abdurakhmanov Anton Viktorovich, who at the time of the events was in charge of OAO Trest Moselektrotyagstroy (Trest METS), which received 11 billion rubles for work at the school. After the scandal, Abdurakhmanov moved to the chair of the general director, and then the chairman of the board of directors of Bamstroyput OJSC, which is the general contractor in the construction of the Era technopolis in Anapa, is building a shooting club and a store for the Kalashnikov concern, the Almaz-Antey exhibition pavilion and demo centers for the United Shipbuilding Corporation and the Tactical Missiles Corporation.

Anton Abdurakhmanov

At the disposal of was the answer of the Acting Military Prosecutor of the Western Military District Labutin to the request of State Duma Deputy Alexander Sherin. The supervisory authority is perplexed why the investigation into the case of embezzlement during the construction of school facilities has stalled, and for many facts of other theft, behind which Abdurakhmanov stands, unreasonable refusal orders are issued, which will certainly be canceled. After all, in 2013-14. FSUE “GVSU No. 14” (formerly FSUE “Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy of Russia”) concluded state contracts with JSC “Trest Moselektrotyagstroy” in the amount of more than 65 billion rubles for the facilities of the Airborne Forces of the Moscow Region. As the military prosecutor’s office found out, under all agreements, FSUE GVSU 14 transferred up to 80% of the total advance cost in the amount of 13,446,425,847.55 rubles to the settlement accounts of OAO METS. However, the obligations of METS OJSC under the leadership of Abdurakhmanov were not fulfilled.

“The military prosecutor’s office of the Western Military District considered your appeal dated 01/25/2021 on providing information on the criminal case against the leaders of ST-Logistic and OJSC Trest Moselektrotyagstroy, initiated by the investigative department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for ZAO Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow in signs of a crime, under Part. 4 Article. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It has been established that for the purpose of overhaul and construction of facilities for the needs of the Airborne Troops of the RF Armed Forces on the territory of the Western Military District, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy of Russia” (the assignee of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Main Military Construction Directorate No. 14” of the Ministry of Defense of Russia) (hereinafter – FSUE “GVSU No 14”) in 2013-2015, 35 state contracts were concluded, including state contract No DG3-44/56-VG for the full range of works on the design and construction of military camp facilities No 1 (code 44/56) military unit 41450 (Ryazan). The contract price was 859,546,800 rubles.

To perform work under these state contracts, the former management of FSUE “GVSU No 14” attracted JSC “Trest Moselectrotyagstroy” (hereinafter JSC “METS”), which assumed obligations to build a significant number of facilities for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Under all agreements, FSUE GVSU 14 transferred up to 80% of the total advance cost in the amount of 13,446,425,847.55 rubles to the settlement accounts of OAO METS. However, the obligations of METS OJSC were not fulfilled.

On 04/02/2018, the investigative department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for CJSC Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow initiated a criminal case No. 1.18.0145.0007.000685 against the management of METS OJSC on the facts of embezzlement of funds under state contracts with FSUE GVSU No. 14. Since June 2020, a preliminary investigation in this criminal case has been carried out in the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which is not supervised by the military prosecutor’s office of the Western Military District.

It was also found that in fulfillment of the obligations assumed under the state contract No. DGZ-44/56-VG, FSUE “GVSU No. 14” under the subcontract No. DG3-44/56-VG-236.1 dated 06.12.2013 engaged JSC METS. In accordance with the said agreement, this company undertook to carry out the construction of two storage facilities for automotive equipment of military unit 41450.

In turn, OJSC METS engaged LLC ST-Logistic to carry out the construction of these facilities under contract 17-CMR/GUS-15 dated April 13, 2013. At the same time, the work performed by ST-Logistic LLC on the fire-retardant coating of the storage facilities of military unit 41450 does not comply with the design estimates, the requirements of construction and other mandatory norms and rules, and is also not done in full.

The military prosecutor’s office of the Ryazan garrison sent the investigation materials on the theft of funds during the construction of storage facilities No. 1 and 2 for the automotive equipment of military unit 41450 in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 2 of article 37 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to the investigative department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for ZAO Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

In 2019-2020 in the specified investigative body, decisions were repeatedly issued to refuse to initiate a criminal case against the management of ST-Logistic LLC, which were canceled by authorized officials of this investigative body. A final decision has not yet been made.

In view of the foregoing, a copy of your appeal has been sent to the prosecutor’s office of Moscow for permission in the part relating to the conduct of a pre-investigation check against the management of ST-Logistic LLC.

Roman Trushkin

To be continued
