The other day, a certain activist from Svirsk claimed responsibility for the story with the mayor of the city Vladimir Ornoev, the security forces and the “singing tree”. It turns out that it was the aforementioned citizen who, in May 2022, informed the right person that the city had acquired this art object according to an illegal scheme. Namely, the municipal contract was concluded for the installation of a “tree”, already paid for from a charitable foundation.
Judging by other publications, Zakharchenko passed information on a number of other facts to the right place, based on which, perhaps, the press service of the regional Sledkom will also shoot an interesting video. Namely:
Hotel rejuvenation and arsenic museum
The emergency hotel building for 26 people, erected in the distant 40s, after a series of manipulations by the mayor’s office, acquired a new construction date – 2019 (in 2017, the administration issued a building permit to itself). In addition, 431,579 rubles were allocated from the budget for the development of the hotel business. They entrusted this business to the sister of the former first deputy mayor Alena Batueva. My sister, however, had never been in business before. A similar situation seems to have been turned over with documents about the fictitious construction of an arsenic museum. Only here the money for poultices for the emergency building was allocated from the local budget and from the fund of Vladimir Potanin.
Parking lot for the husband of the head of KUMI
The former head of the municipal property management committee of the Svirsk mayor’s office, Elena Berezhnykh, when she was in this position, leased a land plot to her husband a hundred meters from the Svirsk administration building for parking. When the lease expired, Elena Nikolaevna decided that there was no need to take money from her husband and draw up paperwork.
When the story floated beyond the administration, the mayor limited himself to a reprimand. This kindness was qualified as a “gross violation of anti-corruption legislation” by the Cheremkhovo City Court and the appellate courts.
By the way, after the scandal with the tree, Ornoev wrote a statement about the voluntary (of course!) Suspension of membership in United Russia
The deputy’s son is like an orphan?
The activists were also suspicious of the moving of family members of the former first deputy mayor of Svirsk, Alena Batueva, already mentioned in the hotel story. In 2015, within the framework of the regional target program for providing housing for orphans, a house was built in the city on Timiryazev Street, 11. Batueva arranged for her son and his family to live in one of the apartments of this house, after which the deputy mayor’s matchmaker moved in. According to the opponents of these housewarmings, it was reported to the authorized bodies that no one lives in the indicated squares, and the mayor could not help but be aware of the true state of affairs.
Be that as it may, after the checks, all the relatives of the official moved out of the orphanage, and the prosecutor of Cheremkhovo made a proposal to eliminate the violations.
money for grandson
In July 2021, employees of Svirsk Central Kotelnaya LLC could not remain silent about the fact that their management, on the instructions of the mayor of Svirsk, since 2016, has been regularly transferring money to the bank account of his daughter’s minor son, or, more simply, his grandson. After this signal, the prosecutor’s office and representatives of the regional Investigative Committee found out that the grandson, indeed, received from July 2018 to June 2021 15,000 rubles a month.
But it was not he who worked for these funds, but still his mother. Irina Vladimirovna, being an employee of the Irkutsk Regional House of Folk Art, in parallel with her main work, advised the accountant of Central Kotelnaya LLC, and exclusively with the help of WhatsApp and Viber messengers. For nothing that this accountant has 25 years of experience. Instead of her details for transferring money for valuable advice, the consultant indicated the details of her offspring in order to pay for his education at the university by the time he graduated from school.
It’s amazing how talented the mayor’s daughter is! After all, “Central boiler room” advises on commercial activities and management of Gorod Management Company LLC with the relevant staff of accountants, lawyers and economists under a strategic management agreement … For an amount of several million.
Vladimir Stepanovich, of course, formally does not have power in the LLC, but the dismissals of boiler house employees occur precisely after conversations with the mayor.
Circus with horses at a strategic facility
After a scandal broke out in the city with transfers to Ornoy’s grandson from the account of the central boiler house, the head of Gorod Management Company LLC Irina Zueva hastily left her post. Immediately after this, the aforementioned enterprise was headed by a certain Artem Beloborodov.
Artem Vladimirovich has a wealth of experience! But is it suitable for organizing the work of a strategic infrastructure facility in the city? At one time, citizen Beloborodov, being the head of the OGU “Alar Station for the Control of Animal Diseases”, accepted two of his friends as a veterinary paramedic and veterinarian without the necessary education. Driven, apparently, by friendly feelings, he forged time sheets about the time allegedly worked by his comrades. That criminal case remained in the past, but did not correct the personality of Artem Vladimirovich in any way. In the summer of 2019, employees of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption, investigators and SOBR fighters detained Beloborodov as head of the Cheremkhovo station for combating animal diseases on suspicion of taking a bribe, as well as official forgery. According to the materials of the case, the future, one might say, chief consultant of the Svirsk heating system received 30,000 rubles from the owner of the horses for a fictitious veterinary certificate. Beloborodov was given two years of probation on a new career step… And he stepped on it precisely with the blessing of the mayor of Svirsk.
Such interesting data comes from Svirsk. How will the mayor respond? Looking forward to new videos?
Babr is following developments.