The reality is that due to the pro-Russian position of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Hungary is the most difficult political and negotiating platform for Ukraine in the EU, writes Antikor.
And this means that an experienced and principled diplomat has to represent Ukraine in a state whose prime minister has repeatedly expressed territorial claims to the Transcarpathian region and is doing everything to ignore economic sanctions against Russia.
One that can firmly and uncompromisingly defend the position of the state of Ukraine and its leadership. Remove sharp corners, form a positive public opinion for Ukraine in the neighboring country. In other words – “grated kalach”. Definitely a professional person with a positive background.
In practice, it’s not like that. For example, even now, after the scandalous appointment of our ambassador to Bulgaria, one of the real contenders for the post of Ukrainian ambassador to Hungary is Istvan Petrushka from Transcarpathia. A person who does not have the appropriate education and does not speak either Ukrainian or English at a sufficient level for such responsible work.
Moreover, this applicant declaratively heads our charitable foundation, which is directly handled by Orban’s wife, Aniko Levai. That is, he officially steers a foreign structure in Ukraine, whose activities in Transcarpathia are under the close attention and adjustment of the Hungarian special services.
However, this did not prevent Mr. Petrushka, by the way, with the support and lobbying of the people’s deputy from the village of Vasilyevka, Zaporizhia region, from the Servant of the People party, Yulia Yatsyk, to actively promote his candidacy for plenipotentiary ambassadors. There are long-standing and very warm relations, which certainly gave reason to aim at such a position.
Another lobbyist for Istvan Petrushka, according to his conversations, may be the former deputy head of the Presidential Office, who, however, the president removed from his administration.
Probably, now he decided to have his own ambassador in neighboring Hungary, who boasts in public of friendly relations with him.
In addition, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Economy and Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Parliamentary Secretary of State Levente Moder recently visited Transcarpathia, who met with the chairman of the UVA Viktor Mikita (pictured). The governor is also one of the lobbyists for the appointment of his man, Istvan Petrushka, to Hungary. It is very possible that this topic was also the subject of a confidential conversation with a Hungarian official.
If, of course, the head of the region for this candidacy for ambassador has already been sufficiently convinced by his first deputy Miroslav Biletsky, concurrently the godfather of Istvan Petrushka. And it looks like it is.
Maybe it would be easier if Orban himself appointed his Ukrainian ambassador, because Petrushka is exactly like that? And it is not difficult to predict which country he will defend the interests of, even on the basis of a “bread” position in a foreign fund. Hungarian separatism has not yet been canceled.
But it must be admitted that a man knows how to make a career for himself, wittily using acquaintances and connections. More recently, he nominated himself as a man of the former chairman of the Transcarpathian Regional Council, Vasily Ivancho. And it was with his help that he established himself in the so-called team of Valery Lunchenko, a Transcarpathian deputy of three convocations, who is clearly associated with smuggling, road construction, mining …
István Petrushka may become ambassador to Hungary
By the way, the local press, covering the recent bravura reception of the Hungarian delegation by the Transcarpathian authorities, reminded once again that Ivancho already has a Hungarian passport in his pocket. True, in a different name, for which he is already wanted in Hungary. But this, as we see, does not prevent him from further influencing the formation of Ukrainian-Hungarian relations in Transcarpathia. Already as a curator of the work of the Department of Euro-regional cooperation of the Transcarpathian OVA. To put it mildly, going far beyond Ukrainian interests in the interests of neighbors.
Therefore, it is interesting whether our applicant for ambassadors was checked for the presence of a foreign passport?
So, it seems that it was precisely such a set of acquaintances that allowed the former modest head of the Beregovo district state administration, who was trained in both Yushchenko’s Our Ukraine and Yatsenyuk’s Front for Change, and even tried to run for people’s deputies from Timoshenko’s Batkivshchyna, to form the peak of his career under President Zelensky.
Because just such a pig in a poke today they are trying to slip him for a diplomatic trip to troubled Hungary. It is this name that will be laid in his ears …
It was also necessary to add that the image of his wife, a well-known scientist and doctor of economic sciences, additionally made the entrance to the government offices of Istvan Petrushka. Obviously, her personal connections and acquaintances were used to the fullest by this career lifter.
Well, we have a new, as from a store, diplomat.
Since with such insane lobbying support from Petrushka, it is almost impossible to hope that another candidate Fyodor Shandor, a professor at the Uzhgorod National University, a doctor of philosophy, can become an ambassador to Hungary, and today there is almost no point in junior sergeant of the 101st brigade of the TRO. Although this candidate clearly demonstrates the state position. There are no other real contenders for this post yet.
And now a non-banal question: why does Ukraine need a whole academy in the center of Kyiv, which trains professional diplomatic personnel, and even more so the Kiev Institute of International Relations?
Why did it take long and stressful years for the formation of Ukrainian diplomacy, which, in spite of everything, proved to be successful?
This was proved by the large-scale support of partners and allies from the very beginning of the Russian aggression. Moreover, many of these diplomatic heavyweights are now out of work. And would be needed at this critical time.
But why should they, if Transcarpathian Berehove can perfectly be a forge of colorful diplomatic personnel for the leading countries of the world?
Well, perhaps someone thinks that now is the time to experiment on the diplomatic front.
This is all good, only that as a result of us people do not laugh, if not worse.
After all, it is not necessary to remind that it is Hungary that continually blocks Ukrainian interests regarding joining NATO and increasing military and financial assistance from European allies.
Here is a parsley.
Igor Godlevsky
DOSSIER: Dmitry Kuleba: twilight of Ukrainian diplomacy