A law was introduced to the State Duma that obliges state authorities to create accounts in social networks

State Duma deputy from United Russia Alexander Khinshtein submitted a bill to the parliament, according to which state authorities will be required to create official publics on social networks.

According to current laws, state organizations must maintain websites, but the law does not oblige them to create accounts in social networks. “In modern realities, the presence of the organization’s website is insufficient. New methods of communication, already more familiar to citizens and regularly used by them, have emerged, the most popular of which are social networks,” the explanatory note says.

According to Alexander Khinshtein, his bill is necessary in order “to make it convenient for people to enter into direct communication with the state at all levels – from federal to municipal.” “The Internet is one of the main tools for reducing the distance between citizens and government. And you need to communicate with people in the environment where it is convenient and customary for them to do it, ”considers United Russia.