A human rights activist who visited Navalny in the colony spoke about his health

A human rights activist who visited Navalny in the colony spoke about his health

The health of Alexei Navalny (included in the list of terrorists and extremists; the FBK founded by him is included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent, recognized as an extremist organization and banned in Russia) is currently not in danger.

Alexey Melnikov, member of the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the Russian Federation, executive secretary of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of Moscow, spoke about this in his Telegram channel.

“We managed to visit Alexei Navalny, we talked for more than two hours. At the moment, I can unequivocally say that nothing threatens his state of health, ”said a human rights activist who visited Navalny in the colony the day before.

Melnikov explained that some medicines, for example, expensive ones, are sometimes missing in the medical units, but there are their Russian counterparts, the problem can be solved if the medicines appear in the assortment of the FSIN store.

He added that human rights activists brought with them, among other things, drugs that are not on the list of this medical unit, and handed them over to the correctional institution.

On January 11, the Kovrov City Court of the Vladimir Region postponed consideration of the lawsuit of Alexei Navalny due to his illness. The court will consider a lawsuit to appeal against the decision to place the politician in a punishment cell on January 20.

Since the beginning of August 2022, Navalny has filed more than ten lawsuits challenging the actions of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Seven of them were rejected by the court.

On June 14 last year, it became known that Navalny was transferred to a strict regime colony in the Vladimir region. Prior to that, he was held in penal colony No. 2 in Pokrov.

On March 22, the Lefortovo Court of Moscow sentenced the founder of the FBK to nine years in prison in a case of fraud and contempt of court. At the end of May, Navalny announced that another criminal case had been opened against him – he was accused of creating an extremist group, inciting hatred against officials, and also of calling for uncoordinated rallies. In October, Navalny was charged with incitement to terrorism and the rehabilitation of Nazism.

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